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Yu Liu, Ph.D. 


Principal Investigator, Group Leader








2006.08-2010.06, National University of Singapore, Singapore

B. Appl. Sci. in Applied Chemistry (1st Class Honours;)


2010.08-2015.09, The Scripps Research Institute, United States

Ph.D. in Chemistry;


Work and Research Experience

2019.01-Now, Chinese Academy of Sciences,China Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Principal Investigator;

2015.10-2019.01, The Pennsylvania State University, United States 

Postdoc Advisor: Prof. Xin Zhang;

2010.08-2015.09, The Scripps Research Institute, United States 

Ph.D. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Jeffery Kelly;

2009.08-2010.04, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Honours Thesis Advisor: Prof. Hardy Chan Sze On&Dr. Jianwei Xu;

2009.05-2009.08: Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE)

Summer Intern with Dr. Jianwei Xu;

2008.06-2008.12: University of British Columbia

Research Assistant with Prof. David Perrin;



2022 国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金; 

2022 大连市杰出青年科技人才计划

2021 OKeanos-CAPA Young Investigator Award at the Chemical and Biology Interface

2020 辽宁省“兴辽人才计划”青年拔尖人才项目; 

2020 Global ASPIRE TTR Amyloidosis program

2018 国家级青年人才计划


Representative Publications

Wan, W.;╪ Zeng, L.;╪ Jin, W.; Chen, X.; Shen, D.; Huang, Y.; Wang, M.; Bai, Y.; Lyu, H.; Dong, X.; Gao, Z.; Wang, L.; Liu, X.; Liu, Y.*; A Solvatochromic Fluorescent Probe Reveals Polarity Heterogeneity upon Protein Aggregation in Cells. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021,60,25865–25871. 

Shen, D.; Jin, W.; Bai, Y.; Huang, Y.; Lyu, H.; Zeng, L.; Wang, M.; Tang, Y.; Wan, W.; Dong, X.; Gao, Z.; Piao, H.; Liu, X.; Liu, Y.*; Rational Design of Crystallization Induced Emission Probes to Detect Amorphous Protein Aggregation in Live Cells. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 16067-16076. 

Wan, W.; Huang, Y.; Xia, Q.; Bai, Y.;Jin, W.;Wang, M.; Lyu, H.; Tang, Y.; Dong, X.; Gao, Z.; Zhao, Q.; Zhang, L.; Liu, Y.*Covalent Probes for Aggregated Protein Imaging via Michael Addition. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 11335-11343. (Hot paper)

Bai, Y.; Wan, W.*; Huang, Y.; Jin, W.; Lyu, H.; Xia, Q.; Dong, X.; Gao, Z.; Liu, Y.*; Quantitative Interrogation of Protein Coaggregation using Multicolor Fluorogenic Protein Aggregation Sensors. Chem.Sci.2021, 12, 8468–8476. (Most popular 2021 chemical biology articles)

Wolstenholme, C.; Hu, H.; Ye, S.; Funk, B. E.; Jain, D.; Hsiung, C. H.; Ning, G.; Liu, Y.*; Li, X.*; Zhang, X.*; AggFluor: Fluorogenic Toolbox Enables Direct Visualization of the Multi-Step Protein Aggregation Process in Live Cells. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, 142(41), 17515-17523.

Liu, Y.; Wolstenholme, C. H.; Carter, G. C.; Liu, H.; Hu, H.; Grainger, L. S.; Miao, K; Fares, M;Hoelzel, C. A.; Yennawar, H. P.; Ning, G.; Du, M.; Bai, L.; Li, X.; Zhang, X.*, Modulation of Fluorescent Protein Chromophores to Detect Protein Aggregation with Turn-on Fluorescence. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140(24), 7381-7384. (Highlighted by F1000Prime

Liu, Y.; Fares, M.; Dunham, N. P.; Gao, Z.; Miao, K.; Jiang, X.; Bollinger, S. S.; Boal, A. K.; Zhang, X.*, AgHalo: A Facile Fluorogenic Sensor to Detect Drug Induced Proteome Stress. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 56, 8672-8676. (Highlighted by F1000Prime). 

Liu, Y.; Zhang, X.; Chen, W.; Tan, Y. L.; Kelly, J. W.*, Fluorescence Turn-On Folding Sensor To Monitor Proteome Stress in Live Cells. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (35), 11303-11. 

Liu, Y.; Zhang, X.; Tan, Y. L.; Bhabha, G.; Ekiert, D. C.; Kipnis, Y.; Bjelic, S.; Baker, D.; Kelly, J. W.*, De novo-designed enzymes as small-molecule-regulated fluorescence imaging tags and fluorescent reporters. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136 (38), 13102-5. 

Liu, Y.; Tan, Y. L.; Zhang, X.*; Bhabha, G.; Ekiert, D. C.; Genereux, J. C.; Cho, Y.; Kipnis, Y.; Bjelic, S.; Baker, D.; Kelly, J. W.*, Small molecule probes to quantify the functional fraction of a specific protein in a cell with minimal folding equilibrium shifts. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 2014, 111 (12), 4449-54. (highlighted in ACS Chem. Biol.)

Suh, E. H; ‡ Liu, Y.; ‡ Connelly, S.; Genereux, J. C.; Wilson, I. A.; Kelly, J. W.*, Stilbene vinyl sulfonamides as fluorogenic sensors of and traceless covalent kinetic stabilizers of transthyretin that prevent amyloidogenesis. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135 (47), 17869-80.

Zhang, X.; Liu, Y.; Genereux, J. C.; Nolan, C.; Singh, M.; Kelly, J. W.*, Heat-shock response transcriptional program enables high-yield and high-quality recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli. ACS Chem. Biol., 2014, 9 (9), 1945-9; 1. (ACS Editor’s Choice, highlighted in C&EN News, and ACS Chem. Biol.).